Becoming BioQuantum™ with Jewels Arnes

Accelerated Ascension Academy

Learn to raise the frequency of your body to change your life.

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Our primary goal is to foster community and connection among members, aiming to enhance cellular ascension through a group intention to enhance an individual experience. This community-driven initiative also provides opportunities to elevate the planet's frequency through experience.

  • Group healing session with Jewels (one-hour live monthly zoom)
  • Group ascension session with Jewels (one-hour live monthly zoom)
  • EvoStar scalar transmission portal (newly enhanced frequency attunement tool)
  • Personalized Scalar Transmissions 24/7
  • Access to exclusive events designed specifically for members
  • Membership Forum

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What They Say

#testimonials #schoolofmastery #gamechanger #likemagic #thankyou #becomingbioquantum

“I’ve personally added the Particle Accelerator into my routine, and it’s been an absolute game-changer so far.”
Dave Asprey
“I am forever grateful for this Ascension university, this school of mastery. My life has never been the same since I made the discovery that my looping behaviors were a plethora of programs running by default in the operating system of my cellular makeup. My experience of life was a printout of my limiting beliefs. Through this work I have learned to tap into my full potential by shifting my consciousness/attention inward and aligning with the innate truth of who I am. I am Source Intelligence! Now in my 88th year of life, I am more excited about living than ever before. I have more energy, more vitality and more curiosity as to what new perspective, new revelation will be shown to me as I continue to raise in consciousness.”
“There is Woo-Woo and there is Woo-True. This is Woo-True.”
Luke Story

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