What are DMT Codes?

Releasing the gene codes of Human Evolution.
May 12 / Jewels Arnes

~ Jewels Arnes

What are DMT Codes?

The 12 DMT™ Codes, the symbols, exist beyond space and time. They hold a single frequency through an exact point of DNA Expression. You can see them as releasing the gene codes of Human Evolution.

When using the DMT™ codes, specific frequencies are activated within the DNA. These frequencies hold consciousness within DNA Intelligence. When activated, a propulsion is created, Decoding Molecular Technology. As DMT is released, a system of Intelligence begins to reprogram molecular mechanisms to a pure state or Frequency. Consciousness and the body merge within DNA Intelligence beyond the Matrix (space and time) opening consciousness into the Advance Human, Quantum Body.

Each DMT™ transmission holds 1 to 12 ascended gene Codes. The codes build on top of one another bypassing time in linear cognitive assimilation. This teaches the conscious mind to be held outside a linear time allowing you to move beyond observation/experience of programming.

Each symbol has no beginning, no end, and activates DMT within the DNA. As DMT codes turn on, the 12 epigenetic codes of aging begin to turn off. The cells begin to identify in the Advanced DMT™ Codes versus the programmed body we experience now.

When done over time, the cells hold the ability to communicate, exist, and receive interactive information or an intelligence outside the environment they exist within, the programmed body. The Cells move beyond observation, and move into the expression of the intelligence held beyond the looping cycle of aging. DMT™ is a gateway into mastering the Quantum Body, the Advanced Human Experience. Awaken 100% DNA Intelligence!

Ascend the Nervous System DMT Activation