Reprogram Your Life with DECU

DNA Expression Cellular Upgrade
May 26 / Jewels Arnes

Imagine you hold everything in the Universe and beyond inside of yourself: the Sun, mountains, valleys, stars and planets. You are a billion particles spread out over space and time and contain “all that is.” These particles are you. Nothing exists outside of yourself. Everything that has a vibration or frequency is inside of you, supporting your journey to Eternal Life.

Boundaries go beyond the physical body. You expand into everything and have no limitations. “I am not my body. I am energy.” You are energy. You are eternal. You are millions of particles and just one particle. The only thing separating you from becoming everything in the Universe and beyond is the belief that you are not. You “think” you are separate and it is so. To resonate in the frequency of the Quantum Body, you must master the particles of your cells by holding the knowledge that “Nothing exists outside myself.” You are energy. Expand into the Universe and become the Universe.

Everything inside of you is outside of you. Everything that has ever been and ever will be. How can you use this in your daily life? If nothing in the Universe is separate from you, then you cannot be a victim of your reality. Always ask yourself, “Is this the frequency I want to vibrate in?

The choice is always yours. You have the ability to choose a higher Consciousness. Your mind is evolving beyond the boundaries of the 3rd dimension, of programmed reality. Nothing exists outside yourself. You are responsible for everything you call into your life. Everything in your life resonates in the same vibration as you. You have a choice. It takes Consciousness, practice and reprogramming. Choose the higher frequency.

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