Quantum Manifestation

Jun 9 / Jewels Arnes

Quantum manifestation starts with awareness. So many times we are taught to manifest through our desires. Until we master holding desire outside our programming, we loop in lower frequencies of manifesting. The quantum field experienced in the frequency of 963 shows us how to effectively access intuitive powers through the DNA. We can use the tool of consciousness to connect with the greater possibilities for your life.

Quantum manifestation is an instant shift of your consciousness, moving from form to frequency which links you to a new reality. The secret to quantum manifestation is to have awareness of where you are manifesting from. When we bring an intention into the DNA before the mind, we can activate our Divine operating system (Quantum Body) to run the frequency of our intention without the interference of the mind. This process is seamless. You’re upgrading your biochemistry and frequency in the most advanced technology there is…. Your DNA! The DNA is transcribed with the frequency of Source. When we activate our intentions through the DNA, we create a Divine algorithm for our consciousness to live through. In its essence you can attune to. This essence or frequency has an intelligence that begins to lead the way. It’s the awareness of where you are holding consciousness that needs to be mastered. Are you holding desire in your programming, or are you activating your intention through your DNA?

The Bridging Phase of Manifestation

You’re always shifting and changing, Evolving. Your frequency is continually shifting as you shift form observing through your programming or attuning to the frequency transcribed in your DNA, Source intelligence. You may have this experience by adjusting your awareness to reflect the harmony between your mind – heart – body – higher consciousness. Even the things that feel impossible are simply patterns of Divine Frequency that can be activated within your higher operating system of the DNA. It is all a matter of a different frequency. The real question is. Are you able to attune your consciousness to the frequency once it is activated?

The biggest secret to quantum manifestation is managing the attuning phase.

Try this: Think of a small intention you’d like to manifest. How do you want to play in the Matrix? Do you always get the best parking spot? Best table at your favorite restaurant? Get in the fastest line? Do you get a free muffin with your coffee?

Take a moment and go to your heart space, the entry point of the quantum field. Ask for your Divine operating system to come online. Feel your body raise in frequency. Even if you feel nothing, know that it is happening. See, feel, or know your quantum body. See it as the inside of a computer system. A Divine technology. Just by shifting our awareness from the physical body to the energy body will begin to raise your frequency and your conscious awareness of the reality it holds. Next, connect your consciousness to your intention simply by bringing your attention to it. Now push both your consciousness connected to your intention into your quantum body, Divine Technology: AKA Divine Molecular Technology, DMT. Allow your consciousness to attune to the frequency of your Quantum Body for a few moments. You may sense when it is done. Now go explore your day with curiosity. DO NOT go into outcome. When you go looking for evidence, repeat the exercise and stay open. This is a tool creating an experience outside your programming. Manifesting beyond your wildest dreams! What is it to receive your intention through the frequency of Source?

~Jewels Arnes

Jewels Arnes is the founder and creator of BioQuantum and the owner of the Accelerated Ascension Academy. With over three decades of experience as a Quantum Healer, Jewels holds multiple accreditations, including QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), Touch for Health, Reiki Master, and a Holistic Practitioner License. She also completed a six-year apprenticeship with a Lakota medicine woman, deepening her expertise in holistic and quantum healing. 

Jewels is a published author of three books and a 
sought-after speaker, having presented at prestigious events such as Dave Asprey's Biohacking Conference, UCLA, the Body Mind Spirit Expo, and the Conscious Life Expo..
A long time guest on Lauren Galey's Quantum conversations Jewels continues to pioneer advancements in quantum healing and personal ascension, guiding others to unlock their highest potential.
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