Harnessing Theta Brainwaves

Jul 15 / Jewels Arnes

I’m here to inspire you in aligning your life with pathways to self-actualization through the frequency of 963. Through Decoding Molecular Technology (DMT™) and connecting to the wisdom of your DNA, you can fulfill your highest potential. My hope is that you experience life beyond the programmed mind, body and reality. Whether you’re new to my community or have been with me for a while, I invite you to join me on the journey of cell ascension. This week I am sharing my passion for Harnessing Theta Brainwaves to Enhance Your Flow State.

Theta brainwaves are associated with high-level intuitive functioning and peak performance. When the brain is in a Theta state, neurons fire in synchrony, creating a unified, coherent pattern of electrical activity throughout the body. This state is linked to heightened focus that can be held beyond the programmed mind, enhancing the ability to shift from the distorted DNA operating system to the Divine operating system, consciously. The ability to read the mind, body and reality as information abstracted from frequency, gives you the ability to shift out of limitation and suffering.

Theta state can be experienced on a cellular level. The frequency 963 stored in the DNA can be experienced during tasks that require intense concentration, allowing you to connect to inner guidance for problem-solving, creative innovation and/or high level performance. 963 scalar frequency plays, just like a symphony, integrating information stored in the Divine operating system to an experience you are having. When you bring the consciousness held in theta state into the DNA Divine operating system, it allows you to have the sensation of remembering information versus learning information. In essence, your DNA is holding the intelligence of everything you want to learn or experience. What would it be like to simply ask that the frequency of something you want to know or learn be released through your DNA Divine operating system? Just by asking the frequency upgrades your software and you can then attune to the frequency; remembering what you already know.

Theta brainwaves are closely associated with states of deep relaxation, creativity, and enhanced intuition. It is said that the theta state is where the mind transitions from wakefulness to deeper stages of sleep or during deep meditation. This state is available to us to use in everyday waking states. It is where we live beyond programming and begin to live life as through the intelligence of Source.

Awareness of when you are moving into this state is pivotal when learning to actively attune your consciousness to accessing insights and intuitive wisdom. Theta waves facilitate a heightened connection between consciousness and Source Frequency, allowing you to tap into deeper layers of awareness beyond your programmed body, mind and reality. As you shift your focus from identifying in the programmed body/mind you begin to identify the possibilities beyond your programming. You become more receptive to subtle signals, gut feelings, and inner guidance, leading to intuitive insights and creative breakthroughs. You begin to live through the Quantum Body. As your consciousness experiences thought through the Divine operating system, synchronized in communication of the DNA versus the brain, an enhanced processing of information and heightened sense of remembering is experienced.

Living as the Quantum body is a practice of remembering your innate being. All the information you need is stored within you. What do you want to experience or remember through your Divine operating system this week? What activity or project are you working on that can be remembered versus learned? Explore the possibilities!

~Jewels Arnes

Jewels Arnes is the founder and creator of BioQuantum and the owner of the Accelerated Ascension Academy. With over three decades of experience as a Quantum Healer, Jewels holds multiple accreditations, including QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), Touch for Health, Reiki Master, and a Holistic Practitioner License. She also completed a six-year apprenticeship with a Lakota medicine woman, deepening her expertise in holistic and quantum healing. 

Jewels is a published author of three books and a 
sought-after speaker, having presented at prestigious events such as Dave Asprey's Biohacking Conference, UCLA, the Body Mind Spirit Expo, and the Conscious Life Expo..
A long time guest on Lauren Galey's Quantum conversations Jewels continues to pioneer advancements in quantum healing and personal ascension, guiding others to unlock their highest potential.
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