Activate Higher Consciousness with Monoatomic Gold (ORMUS)

May 19 / Jewels Arnes

DMT is produced in the pineal gland. It is released when you are born and when you die. The frequency holds your soul's essence and is transcribed in the ascended DNA. When you die, the codes release and consciousness merges into the frequency of Source. The truth is you do not need to die to tap into the coding of your purest essence, Source Frequency, 963. DMT is measured at the same frequency as Source (scalar 963).

DMT is naturally occurring in small amounts in the brain, cerebrospinal fluid, and other tissues of the body. We can connect to the frequency of DMT and tap into an intelligence beyond programming.

When adding ORMUS to the crown (scalp) the frequency of DMT is activated creating a conscious shift, transitioning thought into a magnetic field allowing you to bypass limitations of the programmed mind.

Try this:

Think of an intention you would like to work with. This can be a question, something you desire to manifest or a place you are needing inspiration or information. Place a few drops of the Monatomic Hair Growth Treatment or Serum (ORMUS) onto your scalp and rub it in. Feel the coded ORMUS move into your pineal gland and gently release the frequency of DMT. Bring your intention into your pineal gland and take a moment to witness the frequency of the ORMUS activate your intention into the frequency of 963, Source Frequency. Move your left hand and place your fingertips to the base of your skull, the Zeal Point. With your right hand touch your Third Eye (forehead). Hold both points as you experience your thoughts in the frequency of DMT. Experience the conscious shift.

Place your hands in your lap or in a comfortable position. Spend about 5 minutes attuning your consciousness to the frequency that was created. Ask a question about your intention. As you are asking, do not go into your mind. The answer will come in as a download or it will activate from within you. Do not leave the frequency of 963. Just allow the answer to come. If you go into trying or searching, place your fingertips onto your forehead and Zeal Point to re-center yourself back into the frequency of 963. Feel the shift again. You may not receive information at the moment but know that it is there. It is your job to stay open and curious. The information will come to you when you least expect it. The practice is to notice when you move into your programmed mind. Awareness is everything. Can you stay in practice? Continue attuning your consciousness. Explore what it is to have thought in the frequency of DMT (963). Experience an intelligence beyond your programmed reality.

Click Here to Learn More about ORMUS

Raise the Frequency of Your Mind, Body and Reality

~Jewels Arnes

Jewels Arnes is the founder and creator of BioQuantum and the owner of the Accelerated Ascension Academy. With over three decades of experience as a Quantum Healer, Jewels holds multiple accreditations, including QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), Touch for Health, Reiki Master, and a Holistic Practitioner License. She also completed a six-year apprenticeship with a Lakota medicine woman, deepening her expertise in holistic and quantum healing. 

Jewels is a published author of three books and a 
sought-after speaker, having presented at prestigious events such as Dave Asprey's Biohacking Conference, UCLA, the Body Mind Spirit Expo, and the Conscious Life Expo..
A long time guest on Lauren Galey's Quantum conversations Jewels continues to pioneer advancements in quantum healing and personal ascension, guiding others to unlock their highest potential.
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